Newark Street NW
Washington, DC
This contemplative garden offering views to Washington's National Cathedral is at once refreshing and sophisticated. A weeping Cherry and a weeping Katsura tree drape the corners of the natural stone pool.
We worked in collaboration with the client to imbue the garden with an organic flow, a painterly quality, and an experiential walk to the writing studio. The view down from the writer's studio to the Arts and Crafts house is rewarding! Using the existing grades to save the trees, waterfalls were tied into the elevation with a series of pools leading to the sculptural final waterfall. Each boulder was selected by the client to be evocative of summers spent in Maine.
A color saturated perennial border runs the length of the lawn, parallel to the pool. An irregular stone pool coping is set in the lawn. Hydrangea and rose plantings sit atop the retaining wall above the pool edge on the west side with woodland plantings along the water fall and leading to the studio.